Mac Power 1997 June
Gestalt Selectors 3.7.sit
Gestalt Selectors List 3.7
Update 3.6.1
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458 lines
Ok, ok, it's been a long time since the last release (slightly less than a
month) and I feel quilty. :-)
There were no real important things to report, but after three weeks there
are now enough tidbits for a new update. Enjoy! And don't forget to return
the survey form!?
May I note that I have some pictures from my vacation in Ireland on my
Web pages. Absolute bogus, I know. But next to the pictures is my report
on the visit to the Apple Cork facilities. It's available in Dutch (as it
appeared in the Dutch magazine 'MacFan'), but also the English translation.
See http://www.bio.vu.nl/home/rgaros/cork/ for the full story!
Gestalt Selectors List 3.6.1 Update
Maintained and published by Rene G.A. Ros (rgaros@bio.vu.nl)
First published: 12 October 1992, 13:15 CET (GMT+1)
Last version : 12 October 1996, 12:15 CET (GMT+2, DST)
Previous update: 12 October 1996, 12:15 CET (GMT+2, DST)
Last modified : 8 November 1996, 22:10 CET (GMT+1)
The complete version is available to subscribers by sending an email to:
with as subject:
archive get recent/gestalt-selectors.etx
or to get the compressed version:
archive get recent/gestalt-selectors.sit.hqx
The latest GSL version is also available on the GSL Web page. Point your
Internet browser to:
If this is the first update you receive since subscribing to the mailing
list you may want to get the previous updates as well. Then email to the
address listed above and use this command:
archive get updates/updates-comb.etx
A vertical bar in front of a line indicates the line has changed or was
The following persons contributed to this update:
Contributions to the selector sections
Person Software Selector(s) added/changed
Masatsugu Nagata IRTalk ext irhw
Rene Ros AfterDark [2.0?] ADex, aYmm
File Server Extension ? #!#1, #!#2, #!#3, #!#4, bqgl
PC Setup cp? pcgl, pcin
TurboBoot ext ? bOOt
unknown clps, clpx
Unknown System pclk
Contributions to the non-selector sections
Person Chapter/Section
Rich Kubota Reports/Relabled Macintosh Models
Rene Ros Reports/Macintosh Compatibles
Apple System Software (A-D)
No changes.
Apple System Software (E-H)
No changes.
Apple System Software (I-L)
No changes.
Apple System Software (M)
mach (System [6.0.4]) INF
Returns one of the following values, indicating the type of
enum {
#define gestaltMachineType 'mach' /* machine type */
| gestaltPowerBook1400? = 310, /* PowerBook 1400c and 1400cs */
| The Epic Draft Developer note lists the incorrect 311 value, which is
| for a discontinued project.
[other values and notes omitted]
Apple System Software (N-O)
No changes.
Apple System Software (P-S)
pclk (System [7.5.2]) INF?
gestaltProcClkSpeed &AS22
Returns the processor clock speed in Hz.
#define gestaltProcClkSpeed 'pclk'
Only on Power Macintosh, not on 68K computers?
On a PowerBook 5300c with System 7.5.2 this selector returns 99.9999 Mhz,
not 100. Small 'off-by-one' bug? (Rene Ros)
| Some 604-based Power Computing models return the wrong value. This may
| be because the ROM doesn't properly handle speeds above 200 MHz.
| (Jean-Pierre Curcio and others)
See also 'bclk' in this chapter.
Apple System Software (T-Z)
No changes.
Apple Additional Software
No changes.
Third Parties Software
ADex (AfterDark [2.0?] by Berkeley Systems, Inc.)
| gestaltAfterDarkExtensions
| Returns a ??? to get the After Dark extensions.
| #define gestaltAfterDarkExtensions 'ADex' /* get After Dark */
| /* extensions. */
aYmm (AfterDark [2.0?] by Berkeley Systems, Inc.)
| gestaltAfterDarkGlobals
| Returns a pointer? to the After Dark globals.
| #define gestaltAfterDarkGlobals 'aYmm' /* get After Dark globals. */
Unknown Apple Software
|#!#1 (File Server Extension ? [???] part of Apple 4.2.1)
|#!#2 (File Server Extension ? [???] part of Apple 4.2.1)
|#!#3 (File Server Extension ? [???] part of Apple 4.2.1)
|#!#4 (File Server Extension ? [???] part of Apple 4.2.1)
|bqgl (File Server Extension ? [???] part of Apple 4.2.1)
|clps (??? [???])
|clpx (??? [???])
irhw (IRTalk ext ? or System ? [???] ?)
On a PM 7100 with System 7.5.3 universal this selector returns noErr
and a response value of zero. (Jean-Pierre Curcio)
| It returns 4 on a PowerBook 5300ce (System 7.5.5 US and KanjiTalk
| J1-7.5.3) but it crashes MacsBug. Only by replacing 'eajt' in the
Gestalt dcmd of MacsBug 6.5.3 with 'irhw' ('eajt' is ignored by the
Gestalt dcmd!) the crash can be diverted. (Masatsugu Nagata)
|pcgl (PC Setup cp? [???])
|pcin (PC Setup cp? [???])
Unknown Third Parties Software
|bOOt (TurboBoot ext ? [2.0?], part of FWB Toolkit Family by FWB, Inc.)
Macintosh Compatibles
(by Rene Ros, contributions by Jean-Pierre Curcio, Kenneth Knotts and Marc
Schrier. Also based on MacWEEK articles and GURU application by Newer
So far the clone manufacturers have released computers which hardware
is identical, though clockspeed may be different, to other computers
released by Apple. This was part of the license agreement. The first
compatibles with their own machine IDs are those from Motorola (9/96).
This section contains a table of clone model names and the equivalent Apple
ID number and constant name.
The Pioneer clone (codename Pioneer MPC-GX1 where MPC stands for Multimedia
Personal Computer) was observed at CeBIT '95.
Clone Machines
Manufacturer Model Name Apple Hardware Model
ID Constant
|APS Tech. Inc. M*Power 603e160 ??? Motorola Starmax?
| M*Power 603e200 ??? Motorola Starmax?
| M*Power 604e200 ??? Motorola Starmax?
Daystar Genesis MP 132 ???
Genesis MP 150 ???
Genesis MP 300 ???
Genesis MP 360+ ???
Genesis MP 528/132
- w/7500 Logic Board ???
- w/8500 Logic Board ???
- w/9500 Logic Board ???
Genesis MP 600
NUpowr Power PC for PowerBooks 500's
Pioneer MPC-GX1 100 gestaltPowerMac6100_66
Power Computing Power 100 55 gestaltPowerMac8100_100
Power 120 12! gestaltPowerMac8100_120
PowerBase 180 ??? Performa 6400?
PowerBase 200 ??? Performa 6400?
PowerBase 240 ??? Performa 6400?
PowerCurve 601/120 108 gestaltPowerMac7200 @ 120
PowerTower 166 108 gestaltPowerMac7200 @ 166
PowerTower 180 108 gestaltPowerMac7200 @ 180
PowerTower Pro 180 67 gestaltPowerMac9500 ?
PowerTower Pro 200 67 gestaltPowerMac9500 ?
PowerTower Pro 225 67 gestaltPowerMac9500 ?
PowerCenter 120 108 gestaltPowerMac7200 @ 120
PowerCenter 132 108 gestaltPowerMac7200 @ 132
PowerCenter 150 108 gestaltPowerMac7200 @ 150
PowerWave 604/120 67 gestaltPowerMac9500
PowerWave 604/132 67 gestaltPowerMac9500
PowerWave 604/150 67 gestaltPowerMac9500
Radius 81/110 40 gestaltPowerMac8100_110
System 100 ??? gestaltPowerMac8100??? ?
UMAX Computer SuperMac Riptide ? ???
SuperMac Storm Surge 150 ???
SuperMac S900L/150 ???
SuperMac S900L/180 ???
SuperMac S900L/180DP ???
SuperMac S900L/200 ???
SuperMac J700 ???
SuperMac C500/140 ???
SuperMac C600/180 ???
SuperMac C600/200 ???
| SuperMac C600/240 ???
! value not belonging to any by Apple released computer
Relabled Macintosh Models
(by Rene Ros;
Originally based on the Mac Models List by J.D. Sterling Babcock.
Since Summer 1995 based on MacFacts and Apple Specs by Apple
Computer Inc.)
The Performa models usually (there are some exceptions) return a machine
ID# for the model they are based on. The table below lists several models
which are simply relabled and the hardware model they are based on.
Relabled Machines
Relabled Model Hardware Model Note
Name Constant
Macintosh ED gestaltMacPlus sold in Netherlands?,
512K with Mac SE case
Macintosh LC III+ gestaltPerforma460 33 MHz LC III ?
Macintosh SE FDHD gestaltMacSE
Performa 200 gestaltClassicII
Performa 250 gestaltMacColorClassic sold in Australia and
Performa 275 gestaltMacColorClassicII?
Performa 400 gestaltMacLCII
Performa 405 gestaltMacLCII
Performa 410 gestaltMacLCII
Performa 430 gestaltMacLCII
Performa 450 gestaltMacLCIII
Performa 460 not relabeled, own ID
Performa 466 gestaltPerforma460
Performa 467 gestaltPerforma460
Performa 475 gestaltMacLC475
Performa 476 gestaltMacLC475
Performa 520 gestaltMacLC520
Performa 550 gestaltMacLC550
Performa 560 gestaltMacLC550
Performa 575 gestaltMacLC575
Performa 577 gestaltMacLC575
Performa 578 gestaltMacLC575
Performa 580 gestaltMacLC580
Performa 588 gestaltMacLC580
Performa 600 not relabeled, own ID
Performa 630 gestaltMac630
Performa 631 gestaltMac630
Performa 635 gestaltMac630
Performa 636 gestaltMac630
Performa 637 gestaltMac630
Performa 638 gestaltMac630
Performa 640 gestaltMac630
Performa 5200 gestaltPowerMac5200
Performa 5210 gestaltPowerMac5200
Performa 5215 gestaltPowerMac5200
Performa 5220 gestaltPowerMac5200
Performa 5260 gestaltPowerMac5200
Performa 5270 gestaltPowerMac5200
Performa 5300 gestaltPowerMac5200
Performa 5320 gestaltPowerMac5200
Performa 5400 gestaltPowerMac5400
Performa 5410 gestaltPowerMac5400 only released in Japan?
Performa 5420 gestaltPowerMac5400 only released in Japan?
Performa 6110 gestaltPowerMac6100_60
Performa 6112 gestaltPowerMac6100_60
Performa 6115 gestaltPowerMac6100_60
Performa 6116 gestaltPowerMac6100_60
Performa 6117 gestaltPowerMac6100_60
Performa 6118 gestaltPowerMac6100_60
Performa 6200 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6205 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6210 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6214 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6216 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6218 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6220 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6230 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6260 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6290 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6300 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6310 gestaltPowerMac6200
Performa 6320 gestaltPowerMac6200
|Performa 6360 gestaltPerforma6400
Performa 6400 not relabeled, own ID
Quadra 660AV gestaltMacCentris660AV
Workgroup Server 60 gestaltMacCentris610
Workgroup Server 80 gestaltMacQuadra800
Workgroup Server 95 gestaltQuadra950
Workgroup Server 95+ gestaltQuadra950
Workgroup Server 6150 gestaltPowerMac6100_60
Workgroup Server 7250 gestaltPowerMac7200 @ 120 MHz
Workgroup Server 8150 gestaltPowerMac8100_80
Workgroup Server 8550 gestaltPowerMac8500 @ 132 or 200 MHz
About this list
For this update this chapter only includes the 'Gestalt Submission Form',
'Acknowledgements' and 'Editors' Address' sections.
Gestalt Submission Form
You can use this form to report information you found on already included
selectors. But you can also use it to register new Gestalt selector codes.
If you want to register the selector code your software installs, make sure
you registered your code first with Apple Computer, Inc. Also, it is your
good right if you chose to keep the meaning of the response value private.
If so, still register so that others can at least detect your software by
determining if the selector is present.
Software means, in this form, the software which installs the selector
code. Not the whole package, just the extension or control panel (perhaps
application) itself.
The package is the product name in which the software is included and
If data is not available or relevant, leave it blank. When the selector
contains non-ASCII characters, please also provide the hexadecimal value.
You can also fill in this form on-line because it is also on the WWW
pages of the GSL: http://www.bio.vu.nl/home/rgaros/gestalt/
Your name:
Your email address:
Your company name:
Do you want to remain anonymous? Yes / No
Software name:
Software type: O application
O control panel
O extension (also 'appe')
O other:
Category: O Apple System Software
O Apple Additional Software
O Apple Software
O Third Parties Software
Package name:
Author or Company name:
Gestalt Selector:
Constant name:
First version to install selector:
Source of information:
Short description of the returned response:
Additional constant names and values for the response value meaning:
Please email this form to this Internet address: rgaros@bio.vu.nl
I want to thank the following persons for their contributions to this
update and their support of this list:
Name Internet Email Address
Rich Kubota, Apple Computer Inc. rkubota@apple.com
Masatsugu Nagata nagata@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Legal Stuff
(C) 1992-1996, Rene G.A. Ros
It is not allowed to distribute the GSL updates separate from the full GSL.
The full GSL can be used freely but is not public domain.
See for legal information the Legal Stuff chapter of the full Gestalt
Selectors List.
Editor's Address
Rene G.A. Ros
developer at Mac Support Automatisering B.V., Uitgeest, The Netherlands
consultant to the Computer Department,
Biology Faculty, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
contract programmer Pascal and C, also 4th Dimension and other data-bases
Bastionweg 108
1383 JD Weesp
The Netherlands, Europe
Phone: +31 294 413167
Email: rgaros@bio.vu.nl (preferred)